Life is for living and enjoying

Everybody’s life has its ups and downs. Even in the hardest of lives you can take pleasure in small things.

In a the middle of a busy business day I stepped outside for a few minutes to get some fresh air. Unexpectedly I was given an amazing display of a hawk soaring and swooping in the sky.  I could feel the air rushing in his face and the power of his wings guiding the air current to send him soaring above the hills. It was exhilarating and energizing just to watch.

Of course the hawk was hunting totally oblivious to his audience.  He was doing it with such energy and elegance I am sure he was having a wonderful time. I had to smile at his prowess. read more

Nature: why is growing your own food so beneficial?

Have you ever wondered why pottering in the garden is so popular? It does not look exciting, not much happens, so why do people love it so much?

For over 200,000 years humanity has been living and developing on Earth. It is not so surprising that even the hardest of city lovers gain great value in being with nature. Whether you believe in an ‘inner you’ and that you exchange energy with the world around you is immaterial. You are doing it all the time but may not be aware of it.

When you go out in the garden, to the park or allotment you are receiving soothing energy from the grass, trees and plants. They take your stress and give it to Mother Earth to deal with. As you tend your plants, watering and feeding them, your mind starts to slow and you enter that calm space within that brings so much clarity. As you breath out, the stress from the difficulties in your life leaves you. As you breath in, new energy and vitality enters you. What a great stress buster! read more