Bridging Worlds – Cultivating Spiritual Awareness in the Digital Age

In today’s world, the all present digital technology is reshaping the fabric of human relationships and society at large. As you navigate this rapidly evolving landscape, the impact of technology on your connections with others and your inner self has become a growing concern. While technology has brought unprecedented convenience and possibilities, it also poses challenges to maintaining meaningful relationships and spiritual well-being.

How do you learn to balance technology with growing spiritual awareness? read more

Meet change in the workplace half way: experiment, be flexible, embrace

We are in a period of significant change in the workplace. Digital tools and data-driven decision making are even impacting a simple author, spiritual teacher and public speaker like me!

From my days in corporate life, I know it is important to embrace change rather than to hide from it.

What are the changes and what should I be doing about them?

Don’t get left behind and be in the hard position of having to catch-up. This is much harder than taking each change as it come towards you. When times get financially hard in your business, it is always tempting to cut the training budget as it appears not to be customer or bottom line affecting. With so much change happening in the workplace, this is not the time to do it. Those who invest will get greater productivity, more team engagement and make better decisions which all leads to a better bottom line. read more