ABC of love: l is for love

Love comes in many shapes and forms

Whenever anyone speaks of love they are often referring to romantic love between two people. I believe that love is infinite and can come in many forms. If romantic love was the only form of love, it would be quite exclusive and in limited quantities. It would be a hard world with only this type of love available to give and receive.

Fortunately for us love comes in many forms – parental, family, friends, pets, yourself. All of the important people in your life are available for you to love. In my view love is infinite and the more of it in your life, the richer it will be. Some people believe that you cannot possibly love a step or adopted child as much as a biological child. I disagree with this view. I think the choice is yours to decide how much you open your heart to love a person. read more

College of Psychic Studies – Summer Open Evening

On a hot summer’s evening in London, the College of Psychic Studies held their end of term Open Evening. After a term of hard work, it is an opportunity for consultants, tutors, college personnel past and present, students and potential students to enjoy an evening together. I look forward to these events and the chance to talk with a number of people. For people thinking about starting or extending their studies in psychic development, it is wonderful opportunity to meet like minded people. There is a good programme of demonstrations and sittings. So it is great for trying out different disciplines of psychic studies including tarot, palmistry, psychic mediumship, angel cards, healing….. read more

ABC of love: j is for joy

Experiencing Joy.

The sight and the sound of the sea always lifts my emotions and makes me feel good. Simple things like this brings me joy.

Are you Following Your Dreams?

Life is meant to be lived and enjoyed.  Everyone should have a dream of how they would like their life to be.  Dreams are made to be followed.

To enjoy your life to the full, it is important to take some steps, no matter how small they are, to achieving your dreams.

This post is dedicated to those struggling to find joy. read more

Spirit art: what is it?

When you have sat with a medium and they give you a message from a passed loved one, have you ever wondered if it is authentic?  Many people do and they are right to be cautious as there are charlatans who put themselves forward as a medium.

What better way to checkout your message than to ask the medium to draw a picture of who is bringing you the message. Of course the message could come from a loved one or even perhaps a guide.  Sometimes you may not recognise the person and you take the picture away wondering who the person is.  Time often tells you the answer. read more

City gardening: do you like to get your hands in the soil?

Humans were not meant to be so remote from Mother Nature as perhaps many of us are who live in towns and cities.  In the UK, councils have started to set-up allotments on spare pieces of land perhaps besides a railway or between roads.  Some councils have chosen to allow residents to grow vegetables where formerly municipal flowers were planted.

In London where I live, I have managed to get an allotment allocated to our family.  To help children learn where their food comes from, the allotment only allows 20% of your patch to be given over to flowers.  The council gardeners encourage you to grow flowers that attract bees such as sun flowers or nasterchiums whose flowers you can eat in a salad. read more