The Quiet Leader: Guiding from Wisdom, Not Ego

Leadership isn’t always about being the loudest in the room. True leadership – whether in work, family, or community – comes from a place of wisdom, not ego. The quiet leader leads by example, presence, and integrity, not by force.

Choosing quiet strength may seem unconventional in a world that often rewards dominance and noise. But the most influential leaders throughout history – those who have truly inspired change – are the ones who led with inner wisdom, not external power. read more

War: How do we find peace?

I am writing this article to you on Armistice Day when at the eleventh hour on the eleventh day of the eleventh month in 1918, the peace treaty was signed ending World War I.

How do we achieve peace in the Ukraine and Gaza?

In improving the way humanity chooses to live, I have always felt it will be a bottom-up evolution with the masses deciding what is the right way to live, forcing our national leaders to change the way they behave.

However, there is nothing stronger than the anger of one nation on another nation. We are seeing this in Gaza/Israel and Russia/Ukraine. In these circumstances I feel it will take a special sort of leader(s) to achieve peace. read more