Alison Wem’s 2019 Psychic Mediumship Demonstrations in London

2019 sees a number of public demonstrations of psychic mediumship by Alison Wem.

If you are considering joining one of Alison’s workshops, foundation classes, or having a one-to-one session but still undecided, perhaps attending a public demonstration would be a good first step.

Alison is available to meet with you after the demonstration.

College of Psychic Studies

College of Psychic Studies, 16 Queensberry Place, South Kensington, London SW7 2EB

2nd April, 6.30pm Gerrie Marsh’s student demonstration

12th April, Spring Open Evening, 4.30pm to 9pm – FREE sitting with Alison Wem at 6pm read more

Does life look greener on the other side of the fence?

Should you make the jump to get the other side of the fence and enjoy the new, lush pasture?

In this broadcast Alison Wem gives 3 tips on evaluating whether to make the leap over your fence, whatever your fence is.

Learn to take action from a position of knowledge and wisdom rather than a whimsical desire for change.

Listen to Alison Wem here

If you have a question or want to book an appointment with me, Alison Wem, for intuitive life guidance, creative therapy or mediumship, contact me Here read more

Can science and mysticism come together?

If you are like me, there will be people in your life whose values and beliefs are science and measurement based. Everything has to have a rationale and process rather than just accepting something and being. They might find your spiritual views and practices uncomfortable and perhaps a little strange.

I was heartened to read this article on Albert Einstein, a famous scientist, who seems to have been more spiritual than many realise. He recognises that we could never fully understand the workings of the world within the limitations of the human mind. Experiencing the universe as a harmonious whole, he encouraged the use of intuition to solve problems, marvelled at the mystery of God in nature, and applauded the ideals of great spiritual teachers such as Buddha and Jesus. read more

Feeling life has too many challenges? Here is why you should engage with them

Challenges arrive in your life to provide you with opportunities to learn and grow.  Through them you can learn important life lessons such as improving your communication, overcoming jealous love or learning to receive as well as to give.  However when faced with a new challenge you may feel daunted.  Know the feeling?

Sometimes the same challenge keeps appearing in your life.  Do you find that frustrating?  This will keep happening until you learn your life lesson and manage it better. read more

How do you achieve your greatest potential?

A poppy is a beautiful red flower with medicinal capabilities and is full of potential. Yet it is also a symbol for war and gives a potential for drug abuse. Likewise each baby born is full of life’s potential but can also choose to lead a more negative life.

For all of us, life is full of challenges and sometimes it is difficult to know how to stay calm and work your way through them.

Listen to Alison Wem’s broadcast as she shares the 4 steps to help you achieve your potential and to identify and knock down any barriers you may have. Learn who you are and where your life is going. read more

Welcome to Your Soul Family

Find a better way of living your life with intuitive life guidance from Alison Wem. Learn to move beyond a challenge or difficulty to live a happy, contented and fun-filled life.

I’m Alison Wem: daughter, wife, mother, colleague and friend, and like all of you trying to find my way through life and it’s challenges.

In the early hours one night as, newly widowed and with children and a demanding job, I confronted my anguish – and found not chaos and more pain but a space of calmness and route to strength, love and guidance. read more