Categories: Life Lessons

The Secrets of 3 types of love

Love comes in many shapes and forms

Whenever anyone speaks of love, they are often referring to romantic love between two people. I believe that love is infinite and can come in many forms. If romantic love was the only form of love, it would be quite exclusive and in limited quantities. It would be a hard world with only this type of love available to give and receive.

Fortunately for us love comes in many forms – parental, family, friends, pets, yourself. All of the important people in your life are available for you to love. In my view love is infinite and the more of it in your life, the richer it will be. Some people believe that you cannot possibly love a step or adopted child as much as a biological child. I disagree with this view. I think the choice is yours to decide how much you open your heart to love a person.

#1   Love is an emotion you can feel in your heart which I assume is why so many pictures of love use a heart to depict it. If you focus on your heart and think of someone you love, you will most likely get a feeling in your heart.

#2   Love comes in many shapes. It can come in an act of kindness such as making someone a cup of tea when they arrive home from work tired. An act done with love, rather than resentment or annoyance, has a different quality.

#3   Love is a powerful energy with the ability to transform. Where there is a difficult situation with conflict and anger, you can wish love on it and it will sooth the situation. Love is a healing energy which has the capacity for enabling significant change. The situation can be a personal one or a national or global one. Given the tensions in our world today, any love you offer is very worthwhile. You do not need romantic love to experience love.

The power of payer I believe is an example of the potential change love being placed on a person or situation can bring about. It is statistically proven that an ill person who is prayed for has a greater chance of becoming well again. Such is the power of love.

Give ‘wishing love’ a try. You need to wish love without expectation of the outcome. Close your eyes and give it a go. You may feel your heart swell. I have just wished love on a friend who has lost her job and is desperately trying to find another one. I feel this is my way of helping her.

Of course, it is the receivers right to choose whether to accept it.


Alison Wem

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