Recently I met a Tibetan monk called Wang.  He is a man with great humour and wisdom.  I do not have a picture of him but I think of him as in the picture of the Tibetan monk in this article.

In the Tibetan culture Wang means empowerment. An empowerment is a ritual which initiates a student into a particular practice. A tantric practice is not considered effective until a master has transmitted the corresponding Wang (power) of the practice directly to the student. As part of the preliminary practices before a student even begins the actual practices, the teacher introduces the student to the ‘mandala’ of the deity.

Chenrezig sand mandala created at the House of Commons, UK when the Dalai Lama visited in May 2008

Chenrezig sand mandala created at the House of Commons, UK when the Dalai Lama visited in May 2008

A mandala is a spiritual and ritual symbol representing the Universe. It can be used for focusing the attention of the student, as a spiritual teaching tool and an aid to meditation. The outer circle symbolises wisdom. Inside the circle are the square walls of the palace inside which is the deity. The student learns the Mandela in great detail and then hands it back to their teacher to indicate they are now ready to learn the actual practices.

The Your Soul Family profile is a mandala and a soul map. It took one of my early students 3 years to build and learn it in all of its detail.  I honour her efforts by using the picture as it has come to represent to me the energy with which we grow the Your Soul family community.

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Your Soul Family soul map

The mandala represents the experiences my student has gained through living multiple lives over the last 5,000 years. The outer circle is the family of souls who have shared those lives with y student and represents the collective wisdom that is available to her. The figure in the centre is my student supported by her mother and daughter.  In the position where the gates to the palace walls would be, there are a mix of passed and present family members representing the eternal nature of life and re-birth.

We would love to hear from you.  If you have a question or want to book an appointment with Alison Wem for intuitive life guidance, creative therapy or mediumship, contact us Here

Available face-to-face or via Skype depending on location.