I am writing this article to you on Armistice Day when at the eleventh hour on the eleventh day of the eleventh month in 1918, the peace treaty was signed ending World War I.

How do we achieve peace in the Ukraine and Gaza?

In improving the way humanity chooses to live, I have always felt it will be a bottom-up evolution with the masses deciding what is the right way to live, forcing our national leaders to change the way they behave.

However, there is nothing stronger than the anger of one nation on another nation. We are seeing this in Gaza/Israel and Russia/Ukraine. In these circumstances I feel it will take a special sort of leader(s) to achieve peace.

To achieve lasting peace, it will be necessary for the waring nations to find the Middle Path between opposite views that both sides can live with.

The Middle Path is very hard to determine. In a war scenario there is a very fine line between courage and cruelty.

Heart breaking stories have been reported on families broken and killed in their homes by the Hamas raid into Israel. Yet the bombing on Gaza is equally affecting families.

My belief it takes a good and strong, heart led leader(s) to determine the place between courage and cruelty. Is the action of a nation at war justice or revenge? This pivotal middle point needs to be determined whether it is in a war situation or everyday life or business life.

A good leader must be sensitive to the boundary between justice and revenge in all the decisions they are making.

To be able to do this effectively, the leader needs to be incorruptible, not upset by slander nor desire riches or power from their actions. He/she needs to be able to sense and know what is the right action and to be the healer of human hearts. I believe;

A strong leader is connected to their intuition and can hear their guidance from Spirit.

National leaders bear the heaviness of life and human activity. Purposely I use the term ‘leader’ rather than ‘ruler’. A ruler has jurisdiction over something that is already formed. But a good leader guides a nation forward quite literally into the future, shaping and forming it.

The responsibilities of a leader are great.

In those around him/her, the leader must determine who is speaking from sincerity or pretence. In a highly pressured situation, this is not easy. The leader needs a pure heart to only accept council from those with equally a good heart and thereby be able to bring the good to the people. It is hard to find the right path through the maze of war.

How do our national leaders measure up against these challenging requirements?

I am reminded again of my Middle Eastern friend who said many people will make great wealth re-building Gaza and the people harmed or killed in this war are just acceptable collateral damage.

To find peace, we need to find leaders with pure hearts and a strong connection to their intuition.

If you live in a democratic country, it is you and me who vote our leaders into power. Perhaps you can consider the characteristics of a good leader the next time you go to a voting station…..

Alison Wem

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