Soul Art

Examples of Student Soul Maps
Need a soul map?
For Alison Wem, that realisation came in the early hours as, newly widowed with children and a demanding job, she confronted her anguish – and found a space of calmness and route to strength, love and guidance.
Follow 7 easy-to-do steps to create your soul map, a route to your ‘inner you’– your sub-conscious mind, higher self or soul, depending on your beliefs. Gain insight into who you are and where your life is going. Identify who is on this journey with you and how you are helping each other with learning life lessons.
You have already taken the biggest step, which is to find out about your ‘inner you’. You are now just seven simple steps from creating your own soul map, the route back to your ‘inner you’.
You have already taken
the biggest step – deciding to
find out about your ‘inner you’.
1. Find a quiet space where you will not be disturbed.
2. Choose a template from the selection below. Choose the one that pleases you the most. Then go to Free Your Soul Family templates and download and print it. It is the starting point for creating your own soul map.

3. You are the circle in the middle. The other circles are people who are important in your life and may be helping you with the life lessons you want to learn. Think about whom they may be and where you would place them in the circle. Do you have an inner circle of supporters? If so, place these individuals in the circles nearest to you.
4. Think about the colour that would represent you the best. Colour your circle with water colours, chalk, felt pens or acrylic paint. All are easy to obtain in the high street. You want the colour to be rich and vibrant, so be careful not to use too much water with the paints.
5. Do the same for each of your family members.

Example of a Soul Map; a visualisation of you, your soul family and your life
Before you start to colour your soul map, ask yourself,
“What is the message that I should hear at this moment in my life?”
6. Relax and enjoy colouring this picture of you for you. Feel the calmness start to come in.
7. Your message will arrive in the next few days. It may come in some unexpected ways – as a knowing, a dream, a phrase on the radio echoing a thought or a billboard picture or words jumping out at you. Be alert so you are able to receive your message when and how it chooses to arrive.
If after a while you are unsure whether you have received your message correctly, repeat the question again while you are reflecting on your soul map. Wait to see what answer you get. If the message is the same as the original one, it is highly likely you received it correctly. This is not a process to rush. Take your time to receive your message.
Go to Free soul map template and create your soul map.
Book an appointment with Alison Wem for intuitive life guidance, creative therapy or mediumship. Available face-to-face or via Skype depending on location.