What is the Difference between Personal and Spiritual Development?

Personal development: is the conscious pursuit of personal growth by expanding self-awareness and knowledge and improving personal skills.

Spiritual development: relates to fundamental questions about the meaning and purpose of life which affect everyone, and is not dependent on a religious affiliation. Spiritual development is not about becoming more spiritual, it is about realising or becoming more and more aware of one’s natural, innate spirituality.

How do I undertake Spiritual Development?

Spiritual development is a voyage of discovery of your inner landscape. Close your eyes, all that you can see, feel, smell, hear is your inner landscape. At first you may perceive nothing, just darkness. Over time through spiritual practices such as meditation, walking alone in nature, shamanic journeying, you will realise your inner landscape is vast and with lots of other energies in it besides your own. You are never really alone.

Your voyage of discovery does not take you in a straight line from point A to point B like a motor boat. It is rather like a sailing boat where you tack to right and left to move forwards. Your life is the sailing boat taking you on your journey. Your intuition, that feeling inside some call ‘gut feeling’, is your navigator and tells you when you have gone far enough to the right or left and it’s time to turn so you don’t stray too far from the path.

What sets us on this journey of discovery?

This is very personal to you. It can just be a curiosity into the reality of life which starts your search. For me it was the unexpected passing of my husband which made me re-evaluate my life and how I would build my new life without him. For others it is an inner urging to find more meaning to life often prompted by life events such as illness, birth of a child, loss of a relationship.

Have you started your quest or thinking about it? Add your name to the comments or like the article so we might connect.

How do I learn what is the purpose of my life?

Every human being is destined to bring light into the world. The purpose of your soul is to express its love and wisdom in support of humanity’s betterment. The soul within you is seeking to generate loving and creative thoughts that magically have the power to uplift others around you. This is the purpose of every soul including yours.

How do I know if I am on the Path of Spiritual Development?

There is no simple route map but you can create a Soul Map, a visual representation of your route back to your soul. Guidance on how to do this can be found here

As I progressed along the path, I found I had many questions which were unanswered. I just followed the promptings of my intuition. At the time I didn’t realise it was my soul, spiritual guides and passed loved ones who where helping me and guiding me.

Finding a framework in which I was developing assisted my understanding of what was happening to me. It helped me not to feel so alone and to appreciate many others were also working their way through the same framework. The most comprehensive framework I could find was the Esoteric Philosophy on the reality of life. It answered many of my questions and helped me to appreciate who I was.

Try this introduction to the Esoteric Philosophy a free video from William Meader here

William is a respected and influential teacher of Esoteric Philosophy. He holds an MA in Psychology and a PhD in Esoteric Philosophy and presents seminars, workshops and lectures worldwide, as well as regular webinars. He uses his gifts as a communicator of this philosophy to nurture a deeper understanding of the spiritual path, both from an individual and global perspective.

William, Author of Shine Forth – The Soul’s Magical Journey and the recently published Supernal Light, is dedicated to promoting the spiritual journey and evolution of human consciousness.


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