Categories: Conscious Mind

Why I stopped believing I was separate from the Universe

I was reminded this week of how this view is held much more broadly that perhaps we think. I had a consultation with a hospital specialist this week. He asked me what my job was and when I explained we had an interesting conversation about our links to the universe and the ability of mediums to provide life guidance messages. When people are seriously ill, he confirmed that doctors and nurses saw and heard the unexplainable with their patients. He asked me to demonstrate my skills with messages for him. Here was a man of science but he acknowledged their relevance to him and my ability to bring them to him.

As we grow up we are taught, particularly in the west, that we are separate from each other. If you speak to the recently bereaved and ask them if they have received a message from their passed loved one, you will be surprised how many people say yes. Perhaps we are not as separate as we are led to believe.

Scarcity is another ‘fact’ we are taught as children – money does not grow on trees, eat all of the food on your plate as other people go hungry……

When I read an article by Chris Agnos on the topic it really resonated with me. Read More

Listen to the video ‘What did you forget‘ by Sustainable Human. Listen here.

Drop me a comment on how you feel. Let me know if you agree or disagree with

We are not as separate from each other or the Universe as perhaps we think.

If you relate to this article and need some more help and guidance in your life – get in touch with Alison. Here are her contact details.

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Alison Wem

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