Categories: EmotionsMeditation

Your kitchen: is it a place to work or relax in?

A kitchen is often the centre of a home. For women, typically it is a place of work where they prepare meals, do the ironing, help children with their homework or do other domestic chores. For me I also write my blog sitting at the kitchen table. It is not a room I would think to relax in.

All of that has changed since I found Onitani at the London Mind, Body, Spirit exhibition earlier in the year. They gave a live demo of their healing music and I felt compelled to buy their CD. Now at the end of the working day I put their music on in the kitchen when I prepare dinner. It changes my work room into one for relaxation. My sometimes tired or hassled brain relaxes and then my body loses its tension. It makes me a better dinner companion.  Music can definitely change your mood and make you feel more relaxed.

Thank you Bettina and Tino Mosca-Schütz.

Bettina and Tino are from Switzerland. They met in 2001 when they both joined a choir as singer and the conductor. They both have a love of music. Since 2011 they have worked together as ONITANI, the moving soul music created in the moment which touches the hearts of their hearers. Bettina sings in the language of the soul, Tino creates the musical dimension with synthesizers and earth tone flutes.

Here is an example of their music 

For more information and CDs go to their website. It is in German but can be translated using bing or google translators.


Alison Wem

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