Welcome to Your Soul Family

Calmness - Harmony - Wisdom

Alison Wem

Receive intuitive life guidance for where you are in your life. Learn to reduce your stress and achieve calmness for clarity of thought and wellbeing.

About Your Soul Family

Easy to follow steps and excercises to gain insight into yourself to enable you to construct reflective soul art, your soul map, a picture of you and your life.

Your Soul Family Workshops

Gain insight into your life choices to enhance the next chapter of your life. You will receive guidance on increasing your awareness of yourself and your needs.

Your Soul Family Services

Move beyond a challenge to live a happy, contented and fun-filled life

Dream Circle

Want to explore your dream land, be conscious and able to retell the story of your journey?

Try the easy-to-follow Active Dreaming technique to go on exciting adventures, meet passed loved ones and your spirit guides.

Follow the moon beam and discover who has come to meet you.


Join Alison Wem’s monthly gathering on Zoom …

Spiritual Development Guidance

The path of spiritual development can be a lonely one

But it need not be so….

Are unusual things happening in your inner landscape? Or perhaps your perceptions of the world have shifted and you are not sure what it means or if it’s even real.

Talk with Alison to help you to understand your life and spiritual gifts. She will;



  • assist you …
  • Energy Healing session

    A wonderful time to relax and receive well-being and love from the Universe.

    Alison will:

    • re-balance your chakras and your soul will accept the healing you need,
    • assist in the arrival of calmness with inner peace,
    • discuss what you felt and assist you to understand what you body and soul have received.

    60 minute session available over zoom. It is a simple …

    Intuitive Wisdom one-to-one session

    Meet with Alison Wem and discuss your hopes, desires and challenges.

    You are learning much by just living. Talking about your life gives greater clarity on your life lessons and what you have learnt so far. You may also be in the process of learning new life lessons. Identifying them will make them easier to learn and life more comfortable.

    Learn …

    Your Soul Family Publications

    Alison moved forward from widowhood to find an inner strength and wisdom she did not know she possessed. She did this through going within for love and guidance, the subject of her soul book series Your Soul Family. Each book guides you in exploring an aspect of you and your life.

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    " Fabulous day at Alisons workshop. I would love to do more. I'll definitely tell friends and family about it."



    " I was surprised how powerful these sessions were. They made me re-think how I viewed my life."



    " Thought provoking and inspiring, the workshop was a breath of fresh air, thank you Alison! "

    Your Soul Family Blog

    Responding with Wisdom: Finding Strength in Life’s Tough Moments

    Life doesn’t always give us ideal conditions. Whether at work or in your personal life, challenges will arise – sudden changes, misunderstandings, stress, or conflict. In those moments, it’s easy to react with fear, frustration, or anxiety. But the real power lies in choosing to respond from a deeper place – your inner strength and wisdom.

    Your emotions are messengers – not masters

    Fear, anger, and anxiety often rise quickly, especially in times of pressure. These emotions aren’t wrong – they’re part of being human. But they don’t have to drive your decisions.

    • When fear arises, pause.
    • When anger flares, breathe.
    • When anxiety builds, soften.

    Three deep breaths can shift your perspective from reaction to reflection, giving you space to respond with compassion, not defensive.

    From fear to compassion, from anger to patience

    It’s not always easy – but you can transform difficult emotions.

    • Fear can soften into compassion when you remember others are also doing their best.
    • Anxiety can shift into willingness to collaborate when you move out of the “me vs them” mindset.
    • Anger can transform into patience when you give yourself time to listen genuinely.

    These are not just skills but spiritual practices learned through experience, humility, and heart.

    Wisdom often comes in stillness

    Sometimes, the wisest thing you can do is not react right away.

    • Sleep on it. Let your subconscious help you find a gentler way.
    • Listen to your intuition. That quiet inner voice knows more than you think.
    • Trust your heart. It holds a more profound wisdom than your mind when emotions are high.

    You don’t need to have the perfect answer – you just need to give yourself the space to hear it when it comes.

    Inner strength is choosing your response

    Every challenge – at home or at work – is a chance to meet yourself more deeply. Not the version of you shaped by stress or fear, but the one rooted in calm, compassion, and clarity.

    Real strength isn’t loud. It’s the quiet moment when you pause, breathe, and choose to respond from your highest self.

    You carry that wisdom with you – always. Sometimes, you just need a moment of stillness to remember it’s there.

    Choosing Positivity: How Your Mindset Shapes Your Day and Your Life

    Life doesn’t always go to plan. Things happen beyond your control, people make choices that affect you, and challenges appear when you least expect them. But within that, you still have one powerful tool – your perspective.

    Positivity is not pretending everything is perfect. It’s choosing to believe that, despite the messiness of life, something good is still possible.

    You can’t control everything – but you can choose how you respond

    Other people have free will. Circumstances can shift, and Life ebbs and flows. But how you show up, what you focus on, and the energy you bring into each moment – that’s yours.

    • You may not have all the answers, but you always have a choice.
    • You may not control outcomes, but you can control your attitude.

    Taking back your power starts with choosing where you place your attention.

    Nobody has everything together

    It’s easy to believe that others have it all figured out, especially in a world filled with curated images and filtered lives. But the truth is, everyone has their own struggles – fears, doubts, and regrets.

    Positivity isn’t about being better than anyone else. It’s about being kinder to yourself and refusing to give up on hope, even on the hard days.

    Positivity supports your health and well-being

    Science and spirituality agree – what you think impacts how you feel. A positive mindset boosts your immune system, lowers stress, and helps your body heal.

    • Gratitude shifts your focus from lack to abundance.
    • Hope gives you the strength to keep going.
    • Joy, even in small moments, nourishes your spirit.

    Your body listens to your thoughts – speak to it with kindness and love.

    Start your day with intention

    One powerful way to invite positivity into your life is through morning pages – a gentle writing practice done first thing in the morning.

    Write freely about your hopes, intentions, and aspirations for the day ahead.

    • How do you want to feel today?
    • What would you love to experience or create?
    • What are you ready to let go of?

    Let your words set the tone for a day lived on purpose, with hope in your heart.

    Positivity doesn’t mean life is perfect. It means you believe in your ability to move forward with grace, no matter what comes your way.

    Living from the Heart: How Compassion Deepens Your Spiritual Journey

    Living from the heart is a radical act in a world that often feels hurried and disconnected. Compassion – for yourself and for others – has the power to transform not only your spiritual path but also the way you experience life itself.

    When you lead with love, you shift from fear to trust, from judgment to understanding, and from separation to deep connection. This is the essence of heart-centred living – allowing compassion to guide your thoughts, words, and actions.

    Compassion begins with yourself.

    Many women find it easy to show kindness to others yet struggle to offer the same gentleness to themselves. But self-compassion is the foundation of a heart-centred life.

    • Speak to yourself as you would a dear friend.
    • Release the habit of self-criticism – perfection is not a spiritual requirement.
    • Honour your needs and emotions without guilt.

    The more love you pour into yourself, the more love you have to give the world.

    Compassion is a spiritual practice.

    Compassion is more than a feeling – a choice, a daily practice, and a pathway to deeper spiritual awareness. When you approach life with an open heart, you:

    ✔ Find more remarkable patience in challenging situations.
    ✔ See the divine in yourself and others.
    ✔ Shift from reacting in anger to responding with understanding.

    By choosing compassion, you soften the edges of life, making space for healing, forgiveness, and joy.

    Loving others without losing yourself.

    A heart-centred life doesn’t mean sacrificing yourself for the sake of others. True compassion comes from balance – offering kindness without depleting your own energy.

    • Set boundaries from a place of love, not guilt.
    • Offer support without carrying another’s burdens as your own.
    • Remember: compassion is not about fixing – it’s about witnessing, holding space, and honouring another’s journey.

    When you give from an overflowing heart, love becomes an infinite resource.

    The heart is the gateway to spiritual connection.

    When you lead with love, everything shifts. Relationships heal, purpose deepens, and life feels more aligned.

    Compassion opens doors that force cannot. It creates space where struggle once existed. It softens the soul and allows grace to enter.

    Live from your heart. Let love be your guide. This is the path to a truly meaningful, spiritually rich life.

    Get in touch!

    Telephone:+44 (0)7966137568
    London Workshop Locations:
    London Spiritual Mission, 13 Pembridge Place, Notting Hill, London, W2 4XB
    College of Psychic Studies, 16 Queensberry Place, London, SW7 2EB

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